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Mind-Body Medicine
What is Meant by Healing? Discover the Benefits of Stress Relief Making the Quantum Connection From Fear to Eternity The LIFE System
Quantum Biofeedback Hypnosis
Harness the Power of Your Unconscious Mind |
What is Meant by Healing?
Healing is a natural process, mysterious in many ways. We sometimes treat medical practitioners as if they are heroic mechanics. In other words, we act like they can fix the body as easily and mechanically as one might repair a car, no matter the age or condition of the body or the state of the person who owns it. The car metaphor actually lies close to the truth, for in many ways the body is a brilliant machine and provides the vehicle in which we move through life in the physical world.
Discover the Benefits of Stress Relief
Stress creates real, measurable effects in our bodies and minds. Dr. Hans Selye, father of the modern stress concept, defined just how general stress is. He wanted to explore the feeling of "just being sick" that underlies so many different illnesses. Through his research, he delineated a "stress syndrome." He identified three major ways in which stress affects the body, and ultimately therefore the mind.
Making the Quantum Connection
Where Memory, Medicine, and Mysticism Meet
A number of years ago I stayed at a country inn in Connecticut, complete with a complimentary bar of Crabtree & Evelyn soap laced with jojoba oil--one of my favorite soaps. The scent of it propelled me back to a different time and a different inn which had featured the same soap, activating the emotionally-charged memories of someone I had met in that earlier setting. It’s strange how hidden and yet how persistent memory can be, stored throughout our bodies; triggered by a smell, a sound, a place . . . Hypnotists call this process “anchoring”—the innate tendency of the mind to strong emotional events to sensory triggers.
From Fear to Eternity
Coping with Stress
One of my favorite movies is “Defending Your Life,” starring Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep. The premise suggests that after death, we spend a few days in "Judgment City," a kind of cosmic Disneyland in which other-worldly defense lawyers and prosecutors help us to evaluate the life we've just led according to a very simple standard: how much fear were we able to overcome? To what extent did we live in fear, and to what extent did we embrace life with love and courage? The movie was hilarious, yet it touched on an important theme.
Quantum Biofeedback
How the L.I.F.E. System Works
The L.I.F.E. System gives the energy of your body a way to make itself visible. In a sense, it gives your body a voice. Using it reminds the body-mind system what being healthy feels like. Biofeedback has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, and the L.I.F.E. System, registered with the F.D.A., is known as the industry leader in Biofeedback.
Harness the Power of Your Unconscious Mind
I love the way hypnosis is portrayed in the movie “Office Space,” not for its accuracy but for showing how profoundly hypnosis can change a person’s life. The hero goes to a hypnotist at his girlfriend’s insistence, in order to develop ambition. After getting the man into a deeply relaxed state, the hypnotist suffers a fatal heart attack, before he can bring his subject out of hypnosis. Thus, the main character goes through the rest of the movie hypnotized, so that he no longer experiences much of the fear and resistance that used to thwart him.